Help us rehabilitate the chaplain's house!
Dear friends of Cotignac, Dear pilgrims,
You know the monastery of St. Joseph because you have passed through it during a pilgrimage or have contacted our community through our website. At the beginning of this month, especially dedicated to St. Joseph, I am taking the liberty of writing to you because we are now carrying out a project that has been close to our hearts for a long time and we need support to carry it out.
This project concerns the small house of 45 m² where we welcome our chaplain all year round. You know, all the work of welcoming pilgrims and visitors that we sisters do here, all our life dedicated to spreading the warmth of faith and charity to all those who come to us, rests on an intangible and hidden but very real foundation: daily participation in Holy Mass. It is the chaplain who celebrates it, and without him all our apostolic work would crumble. His mission sustains ours.
We must renovate his house without delay, because of its advanced state of disrepair, not to mention unhealthiness for its occupant. Indeed, the defective electrical installation, the excessive humidity of the rooms with risk of mold and the lack of insulation make this home uncomfortable and even dangerous.
The planned restoration will include the repair of the roof and adding or replacing insulation, the replacement of the windows and doors, upgrading the electrical network and the heating system for safety and to reduce energy costs, a new equipped kitchen and bathroom, painting the walls and ceiling afterwards, and the installation of storage cupboards...
This work is estimated at €80,000 and far exceeds our resources.
If you can, would you like to help us make this project a reality with your donation?
Dear friends, you can also help us decisively by spreading this appeal widely around you. We are really counting on you! In addition, another way to support us is to pray to our dear Father Saint Joseph, so that we can raise these funds.
The community joins me in thanking you in advance from the bottom of my heart for what you can do to help us. Be certain of our prayer and our spiritual closeness, as always, dear friends, dear pilgrims, dear donors.
I place everything, including this letter, in the hands of Saint Joseph, our Father!
Sister Maria de los Angeles Mallol, MD
Sister econome of the convent.

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